Your goal is to achieve the optimal grip every time they write, colour or draw, not only when they use a pencil.

This includes pencils, twisty crayons and pencil crayons. If a pencil grip device brings about a significant improvement in pencil control, please do place a grip on each of your child’s writing tools.Just like you need to try on a few pairs of jeans to find the perfect fit, you need to try out different grips to find the best one for each child. There is no such thing as one grip fits all. If you are looking at how do you correct a pencil grip, there are some guiding principles to follow.

Which grip facilitates the optional position of the fingers, and which one promotes the emergence of the finger movements during handwriting? Types of pencil grips for kids: general principles to apply before choosing the best gripīefore we explore which are the best pencil grips and types of pencil grips to use in different situations, let’s look at some general principles to apply before choosing a grip for a child. But, at the end of the day, your best option is really to try them all and see which is a good fit. I wish there was a set of guidelines to follow to choose the pencil grips for kids. Like so many aspects of the developmental challenges I have faced over the years, I wish there was a magic formula. When do you use the Start Right Pencil Grip, when do you use the CLAW and when is the Stetro or Crossover the best? Is there a checklist, a magic formula for choosing the correct types of pencil grips? We know for sure that there is no such thing as one size fits all when it comes to remediating an incorrect pencil grip. While this can be helpful, at the end of the day, the only way to truly know which pencil gripper is best for your child is to try them out and find the best fit. We have looked at the different pencil grips and mentioned in which circumstances they can be useful. But now the world of pencil grippers has exploded and there are so many types of pencil grips, it can be difficult to know which way to turn. Way back when I first started working in this field there was only the triangular grip and the stetro pencil gripper so it was easy to choose. We are going to explore the vast array of different types of pencil grips and look at how do you correct a pencil grip ? They are placed on the pencil with the goal of correctly positioning the fingers on the pencil, to develop the optimal pencil control for handwriting. Pencil grips for kids, or pencil grippers are popular when it comes to assisting children in achieving the optimal pencil grip for pencil control, speed, and legibility of handwriting.